Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Blog: Social networking sites

Nowadays, we have so many different kinds of social media networking site for us to use. They each have a unique interface and some kinds of special features that attract new users every day. Today, I am going to discuss the 4 sites that I use in my daily life.
The first site I want to talk about is Facebook. I have been using it since 6th grade. I have most of my family, friends, coworkers added on Facebook. I would say that one of the big advantages of Facebook is that it is easy to use, well established and it has a large group of users. I use Facebook mainly to chat with my friends and look up other people post to find interesting contents. Also, I have a serval group chats on my facebook account whether it is about work or personal stuff. You can send instant text messages or send emoji to each other. Of course, you can also share pictures or videos with your friends.

On the other hand, YouTube as a famous video sharing social networking site, people can upload their video and share with the public. They can even make interesting content to attract viewers and make money from advertisement. For me, I mainly use it as entertainment. People have uploaded a variety of videos on Youtube, from car reviews or unboxing videos to daily vlog. You can always find videos about things you are interested in on Youtube.

The other social media site that I use but less frequently is Instagram. It is mainly about posting pictures and short videos, and share with your followers. Also, Instagram has an interesting feature which is the Instagram stories. It allows users to post photos and videos that will vanish after 24 hours. It definitely attracts people to go on Instagram more often as they know they won’t be able to see the stories any time after 24 hours.

Finally, as a new user on Twitter, I find it interesting how twitter works similarly compare to facebook but having a slightly different interface. Although each tweet has a limited amount of character you can type, it makes the tweet concise and easier to read. Even before I start using Twitter, I go on twitter to see updates about game server maintenance. Because I know that the first thing people do when they encounter a problem is to go on twitter to report their issue and complain.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tik, It seems that we all have different uses for each social networking sites. However, there are times where I favor one more than the other and that is especially when it is newly downloaded. What is your favorite social networking site out of these four?
