Monday, October 22, 2018

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

It is fun to see people wearing a VR headset and playing games in front of you because everyone seems to enjoy playing in Virtual Reality. That is only one way of how we can use virtual worlds in our daily life. The virtual world is basically a computer-based simulated environment which allows users to simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others.
            Since the virtual world is a simpler version of the real world, people like the military or plane pilot can use it in a training program. Basically, the virtual world can simulate all different kinds of possible situation and let the trainee learn how to deal with the situation. To ordinary people like us, we can now play VR games on the console. VR games are much more intense and require you to move more than traditional video games. Moreover, the virtual world can be a good tool for people to communicate and exchange information with each other. According to the article, “Going to the virtual office in Second Life”, the author shows that it is possible for employees to meet in a virtual world established on a company private network. It becomes possible for workers to collaborate effectively using virtual tools rather than using some more traditional ways such as a video conference or a telephone conference.
However, it is not an easy task to construct a virtual world. It is very time-consuming because it involves a lot of coding to set up the basic rules and laws of physics. Although the virtual world allows us to communicate with each other on the computer, we are isolated in some way. According to the article, “After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?”, we are “alone together”. The author suggests that it is lack of human interaction in these digital worlds and it brings a sense of isolation as a result. I agree with the author because we accomplish nothing once we leave the computer, It is totally different than go out and hang out with your friends. Although the virtual world can be a good entertainment, it is not the real life and the interaction with real people is necessary to our healthy life.

            I personally think that the technology of virtual reality is a good thing. It encourages people to create and do more with their imagination. It won’t surprise that the application of virtual reality will be widely used in the future as our technology on it is getting more advance from day to day. We can just sit in front of our own desk, have our lecture and interact with the other students without leaving our house one day. It is totally possible with the technology of virtual reality and I am looking forward to experiencing that myself in the future.

1. After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot. April 30, 2013.

2.Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, Nov 5, 2009


  1. Hello!

    I definitely agree with what you were saying in regards to constructing a virtual world being very time-consuming. Like you mentioned, this is definitely a drawback because as technology continuously advances, the added layers and components of complexity become all the more transparent as the coding may need to be able to adapt to future circumstances.

    Also, to add on to your point about distinguishing virtual worlds from the real-word, I think for the average person the bottom-line is balance. Virtual worlds do have the potential to develop skills for those who are disabled and help them transition into the real-world, but realistically, people commonly engage in these experiences for entertainment purposes like gaming. Under this sense, it is important to draw the line between staying in recluse all day and going out and engaging in physical, social interactions for the betterment of your life.

  2. Hi Tik, You made a great point about societal health with the presence of virtual worlds. I think as human beings we all still have to interact with others in real life and virtual worlds should not take dominance over these interactions.
