Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blog: P2P

The term of file sharing basically means that we share our resources with others. It is very common that we share files such as music, e-books, and movies with our friends. Because of the technology of P2P file sharing, file sharing become much easier. Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing requires only users’ computer to share and receive files since both computers are connected via a P2P network. Users can share files with the P2P network and other users can search and download files from the network. According to the article, Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other, Google is teaming up with Lending Club and they are trying to promote money lender and borrowing services with P2P file sharing technology. They are able to provide a lower interest and a more direct loan process between lenders and borrowers. In my opinion, it is a good thing for both ends since it makes the process more transparent and quicker. As a result, more funds flowing around businesses and it can help businesses and economy to grow healthily.

 P2P sharing technology is giving us a lot of benefits. However, there are ethical concerns about P2P file sharing since we don’t know if the distributor owns the files that he is sharing. It is illegal to share copyrighted content without permission and downloading those contents can cause harm to the right of the original content creator.

Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013

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