Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blog: Wiki So Far

In the past few weeks, I started to look up different pages that are already created on the Baruch Wiki. I wrote down all the topics that I am interested in or I know something about it. I found some interesting topics such as gaming, new media use in automotive and privacy. I plan on adding more details on those topics with the information that I have and things that I have learned from the news. One thing I find fascinating is that although there is already lots of information filled in on the page for different topics, you can always find something to add on. It is because our digital society is growing rapidly and we have so much new technology coming out every day. Also, we are adding useful information to the database, so that others can view and learn from it. I am going to add those pieces of information and try to edit others’ work if possible in no time since there are only a few weeks left for this project. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tik,
    I was also fascinated to find that this wiki already has been contributed so much! This just shows how wikis can be collaborative and creative. I think you should also add a photo to your contributions to help visualize the information you will add.
